
Cat Professor's Selection
(at OPEN)

    (selected by ルパン)
  1. Beres Hammond(2012) "One Love, One Life (in One Love, One Life)" (trk: Love Me Forever)
  2. Big Joe "Get Out Bald Head" (trk: Love Me Forever)
    (selected by Ayumi (1曲目は恒例の"Soul Makossa"のレゲエ・カバー曲))
  3. Jackie Mittoo "Best By Request" (trk: Why Did You Leave)
  4. Heptones "Why Did You Leave_Heptones" (trk: Why Did You Leave)
  5. Marcia Griffith "I Shall Sing" (trk: Anser)
  6. Cat Professor feat. IA "雪やこんこん (Anser Version)" (trk: Anser) 《(1/14に降った(代々木では8cmの)積雪がまだ残っているので)歌入りVersion〜2番:ジャマイカでは雪は降らない。だから雪の歌が無いよ。イヌは喜びビーチ駆け回り。ネコは木陰で丸くなる。3番:東京で雪はほとんど降らない。だから慣れずにスッテンコロリ。イヌはイジケてお家にこもり。ネコはこたつで丸くなる。》
  7. Jah K・S・K & Yellow Roots "からだ元気?"
  8. J.C.Lodge "Over the Rainbow"
  9. Beres Hammond(2012) "My Life (in One Love, One Life)"
  10. Cocoa Tea(2012) "A Love Like Yours And Mine (in In A Di Red)"
  11. Ghost "I'm Yours"
  12. Chevelle Franklin "Got to be Real" (trk: Got to be Real)
  13. Cheryl Lynn "Got to be Real" (trk: Got to be Real)
  14. Chic "Good Times"
  15. Parliament "Flash Light" (trk: Flash Light)
  16. Cat Professor feat. IA "マリファナを水たい" (trk: Flash Light)
  17. Richie Spice "Marijuana (Pon Di Corner)"
  18. Luciano "Cannabis" (trk: Free Life)
  19. Norris Man "I'm Free Man" (trk: Free Life)
  20. E Dalkey "Freedom"
  21. Mighty Diamonds "Go Seek Your Right" (trk: Go Seek Your Right)
  22. U. Roy "Rightfull Reggae" (trk: Go Seek Your Right)
  23. Dillinger "Fountaion on the Mountain" (trk: Real Rock)
    (selected by Ayumi)
  24. Phyllis Dillon "Perfidia" 《requested artistにつき1曲だけ》
  25. Bob Marley & the Wailers "Jah Live_Version" (trk: Jah Live)
  26. Bob Marley & the Wailers "Jah Live" (trk: Jah Live)
  27. Busy Signal(2012) "Sweetest Life (in Reggae Music Again)"
  28. Abbysinians "Satta"
  29. Mighty Diamonds "Have Mercy" (trk: Have Mercy)
  30. U. Roy "Have Mercy" (trk: Have Mercy)
  31. Burning Spear "Slavery Days" (trk: Slavery Days)
  32. Burning Spear feat. IA "I & I Survive (Sub Dub Remix)" (trk: Slavery Days) 《IAの「覚えているかい、奴隷の日々を」「気付いているかい、今でも奴隷」という歌入りのRemix》
  33. Culture "I'm Not Ashamed"
  34. Dennis Brown "Whip Them Jah Jah"
  35. Jah K・S・K & the Jomore Stars "地球に平和を (Live at the OPEN, 2005/12/25)"
  36. Jah K・S・K "Bob Marleyは生きている (in Japareggae)"
  37. Peter Tosh "Jah Guide (Acoustic Set)"
  38. Bob Marley "Acoustic Medoley"

